Old Search System: rhythmic robot

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio PatchVault DX5 Factory Set A KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio PatchVault DX5 Factory Set A KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 1.40...

    The marvel of PatchVault brings you more classic synth patches for 20c a pop!
    dx5-kontakt-instrument-2-of-3This time it's the turn of the mighty Yamaha DX5, a true behemoth of a machine with custom-programmed patches designed from the ground up by Yamaha's synth techs to work in layered pairs. We've already covered the...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio PatchVault DX5 Custom Set 1 KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio PatchVault DX5 Custom Set 1 KONTAKT26.12.2018 | KONTAKT | 1.23 GBAs you'll...

    Our existing PatchVault DX5 set recreates Yamaha's own factory presets for this awesome monster-synth; but while they're great (and a genuine slice of musical history, too), they're not in fact the patches we keep loaded into our laboratory 5, preferring instead to stock it to the gills with full-on synth...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio PatchVault 770 KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio PatchVault 770 KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 840 MBAll 24 ‘InstaSet'...

    The Korg 770 may be small, but it's mighty – not in a MiniMoog way, more in a BBC Radiophonics Workshop synth-puppy way. From a handful of wires and diodes comes all manner of frankly amazing and wonderful sounds, thanks to some pretty barmy topology and a whole load of...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio OrgaTone 601 KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio OrgaTone 601 KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 277,67 MBWe've sampled amazing,...

    Orgatone 601 is a loving and not at all post-modern-ironic version of the godfather of Casio's home keyboard range, the Casiotone 601. This was a surprisingly big instrument, with full-sized keys, inbuilt rhythms, and onboard speaker (of course!) and a touch-sensitive nudge-bar that you could use to trigger the rhythm...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio NanoMod 10 Hard KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio NanoMod 10 Hard KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 123.01 MBHard puts...

    Wave 1 comes from our modular system and harnesses the SuperSawtor to great effect, generating a brash, thick sawtooth wave which we've harnessed to a chunky square-wave sub-oscillator before pushing them both through our Aurora Stinger at a rather high gain setting. This wave is angry but thick-sounding and is...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Music Box KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Music Box KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 92 MBAlternative-universe steampunk Victorian...

    Long before the Rhodes piano made tines rock'n'roll, little resonating metal bars were called lamellae and were to be found lurking below the ornately-carved exteriors of Victorian musical boxes. Some of these clockwork devices were extraordinarily intricate, involving moving figures that twirled, danced, made gestures or appeared to speak before...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Minidrums Junior KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Minidrums Junior KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 12 MBPoptastic vintage patterns...

    The Korg MiniPops Junior is a smart-looking little analogue drum box that kind of gives off the vibe of a 1950s Buick – all smooth lines, chrome trim and candy-apple red paint. To our eyes, it's one of the best looking drum machines out there: it's even got a cool...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Mini-505 KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Mini-505 KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 4,11 MBWhen it comes to...

    The TR-505 has a thuddy great kick that responds very nicely to compression, a light and crispy snare sound, some really neat percussive elements (including congas, timbales, claves, rim shots and the inevitable cowbell), and of course those fizzy, zingy sampled cymbals that put the old brigade of drum machine...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Electroclaps KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Electroclaps KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 13 MBThe Boss HC-2 Hand...

    If you want acoustic handclaps, you know we've got you covered, right? But acoustic isn't everything. Electronic claps just sit better in some musical styles, giving a crisp, characterful alternative to a standard snare drum – either on their own or layered in. Where acoustic claps get a lot of...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio DX Keys KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio DX Keys KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 700 MBDarth Vader styling,...

    If you were alive in the 1980s, you were probably exposed to unhealthy amounts of Yamaha DX7 at an early age. In fact, even now, scientists tell us that people who live in cities rather than the countryside are never at any time more than 2 meters away from a...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Doctor 55 KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Doctor 55 KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 7 MBCloned from the...

    Detailed research conducted down the pub reveals that 100% of people had the Boss DR55 as their first drum machine. While this research may not be entirely reliable, the DR55 was popular for some good reasons: it was cheap, it was tough, and it sounded surprisingly good. Even now, that...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Doctor 110 KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Doctor 110 KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 6 MBSerious analogue feel...

    The Boss Dr Rhythm DR-110 followed on from their very successful DR-55 (which of course you can get hold of right here). The DR-110 was another neat little analogue box, but whereas the 55 had involved a rather inscrutable interface, the 110 sported a very cutting-edge LCD panel so that...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio CX5 Drum Machine KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio CX5 Drum Machine KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 2,75 MBThe Wersi...

    Released back in 1985 and intended for use either as a standalone drum machine or as a "brain" for a set of Wersi drum pads – they really were hoping to cannibalise some SDS sales! – the CX5 is surprisingly sophisticated in terms of programming and pattern creation and has...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Concert RF5 KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Concert RF5 KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 8 MBA warm, mellow...

    Another car-boot-sale score by Mongo, the Concert RF-FIVE is a little wood-veneered preset rhythm unit featuring five onboard rhythms (hence its name) and a lovely warm, mellow sound. We particularly like the kick, which is thick and almost woolly played "raw" but which comes to life in a really interesting...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Bass 3 KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Bass 3 KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 45 MBAll-analogue bass from...

    Now this little thing is funky! The Hohner Bass 3 was an all-analogue minisynth that produced three preset bass tones: Guitar, String and Tuba. Don't let the names fool you: this isn't orchestral, nor is it folky. It's just raw and wild: a thunky twang gives the Guitar patch its...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Prototype EP KONTAKT

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Prototype EP KONTAKTAWZ | 22 Jan 2019 | 140 MBA thoroughly unusual...

    • Perfect for roots rock, blues, honky-tonk dives, or adding a layer of strangeness to more conventional EPs
    • Over 480 individual samples capture every nuance of this strange instrument, warts and all
    • Retrofitted velocity response allows for expressive playing; Tilt EQ allows you to tailor the tone
    • Synthesised Sustain wave...

  • Rhythmic Robot Seinfeld Bass KONTAKT-LiRS

    Rhythmic Robot Seinfeld Bass KONTAKT-LiRSLiRS | Nov 25 2017 | 117 MBRemember Seinfeld? Remember that...

    The MIDI Bass is a simple little device – MIDI notes go in, bass sounds come out – so we've kept things simple for our recreation, which just adds some useful compression and tube saturation controls and leaves the rest up to you and your funk. Best of all, you...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Drawbar 350 KONTAKT-LiRS

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Drawbar 350 KONTAKT-LiRSLiRS | Oct 29 2017 | 49,33 MBDrawbar 350 is...

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Drawbar 350 KONTAKT screenshotWhile the original Stylophone 350S employed toggle-switches to switch its tones in or out, the Rhythmic Robot Drawbar 350 replaces these with 12-stage drawbars, allowing a much more sophisticated tonal palette to be created by blending the raw tones. There is also control over...

  • Rhythmic Robot Audio Synthesizer 2000 KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TE

    Rhythmic Robot Audio Synthesizer 2000 KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TESYNTHiC4TE | Oct 29 2017 | 411 MBRoland's neat little...

    Although it was never going to knock anyone's System 100 off its pedestal, the SH-2000 scored rather well in terms of raw sound; plus it had little touches of insanity dotted around it that made it really fun to get to know – like the random note generator, which spits...

  • Rhythmic Robot WaveCrest KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TE

    Rhythmic Robot WaveCrest KONTAKT-SYNTHiC4TESYNTHiC4TE | Oct 01 2017 | 342 MBWaveCrest continues our fascination with...

    Onto the front of the cyclical waves you can also graft one of 12 Attack samples, making it simple to add a characteristic flute chiff, string bow or guitar pluck to the sustaining sound. These attacks can be independently adjusted for level, so it's perfectly possible to create patches without...