Old Search System: aescript

  • Aescripts m\'s HalfTone v1.48 for After Effects

    Aescripts m's HalfTone v1.48 for After Effectshttps://aescripts.com/m-s-halftone/m's Halftone is an After Effects plugin that performs...

  • Aescripts Pixy Halftone v1.0 for After Effects

    Aescripts Pixy Halftone v1.0 for After Effectshttps://aescripts.com/pixy-halftone/Pixy Halftone is a simple and easy After Effects...

    Alpha Halftone
    Pixy effect generates alpha based on the luminosity so you can easily composite multiple layers over and over, here is one for the highlights and another one for the shadows, etc.
    Simple Controls
    Control the size and color of the shape the space between shapes or even contrast in...

  • Aescripts Signal v1.0 for After Effects

    Aescripts Signal v1.0.1 for After Effectshttps://aescripts.com/signal/Authentic emulation of analog glitches for old-school TV vibes.

  • Aescripts HandyCam 1.2 for After Effects

    HandyCam 1.2 for After Effectshttps://aescripts.com/handycam/Tired of wrestling with the default AE camera? HandyCam simplifies every...

    HandyCam v1.2 Mac.rar
    HandyCam v1.2 Win.rar

  • Aescripts Auto Crop 3.1.3 for After Effects

    Aescripts Auto Crop 3.1.3 for After Effectshttps://aescripts.com/auto-crop/Auto Crop allows you to instantly crop a composition...

    Pixel Perfect Accuracy
    Auto Crop produces pixel-perfect crops based on the alpha channel of every layer within a composition. If even a single pixel is partially visible, Auto Crop will see it and include it in the crop dimensions.
    Auto Crop v3.1.3 Mac.rar
    Auto Crop v3.1.3 Win.rar

  • AeScripts ShareIO v1.10 for Cinema 4D WIN

    AeScripts ShareIO v1.10 for Cinema 4D WINhttps://aescripts.com/shareio/Instantly share Objects, Materials, Rendersettings, Documents and Projects incl....

  • Aescripts BAO Boa 1.4.6 for After Effects

    Aescripts BAO Boa 1.4.6 for After Effects Boa is a plugin for After Effects...

    Warp any source along any mask path
    Rotate and twist along the path
    Full control over start, end, scale and z position along the path
    Mesh definition and sub-sampling for complete quality control
    Extrude and contour in 3D!
    Reacts to comp camera and lights
    Super fast rendering
    Fully native...

  • Aescripts BAO Boa 1.4.6 for After Effects

    Aescripts BAO Boa 1.4.6 for After Effects Boa is a plugin for After Effects...

    Warp any source along any mask path
    Rotate and twist along the path
    Full control over start, end, scale and z position along the path
    Mesh definition and sub-sampling for complete quality control
    Extrude and contour in 3D!
    Reacts to comp camera and lights
    Super fast rendering
    Fully native...

  • AEScripts ClearPlus 2.0 for After Effects & Premiere Pro

    ClearPlus 2.0 for After Effects & Premiere Prohttps://aescripts.com/clearplus/Enhance video quality easily for hazy, underwater and...

    ClearPlus is a powerful plugin designed to enhance footage including hazy, underwater and low light videos, and it is also ideal for sky enhancement. Make the colors pop in an effortless and flexible way.
    Shadows/highlights allows you to adjust the different parts of the image while preserving a natural look.The shadows...

  • Aescripts Limber v1.6 for After Effects MacOS

    Aescripts Limber v1.6 for After Effects MacOSLimber is the new shape-layer IK system for After...

    You can customize the limb shape layer in any way you like: add extra shapes, alter the existing shape, add extra properties like strokes or gradient fills, remove parts of the limb to get separate layers for each part, and much more. Once a limb is styled the way you...

  • Aescripts Limber v1.6 for After Effects

    Aescripts Limber v1.6 for After EffectsLimber is the new shape-layer IK system for After Effects...

    You can customize the limb shape layer in any way you like: add extra shapes, alter the existing shape, add extra properties like strokes or gradient fills, remove parts of the limb to get separate layers for each part, and much more. Once a limb is styled the way you...

  • Aescripts LoadUP v1.71 for After Effects MacOS

    Aescripts LoadUP v1.71 for After Effects MacOShttp://aescripts.com/loadup/Designed to create loading or progress bars, fast and...

    Designed to create any type of loading or progress bar, fast and easy. No more aligning, masking and fiddling around with expressions to create a simple bar. LoadUP! creates all the necessary shape and text layers, inserts key expressions and adds convenient effect controls for easy customization.
    LoadUP! can be run...

  • Aescripts LoadUP v1.71 for After Effects

    Aescripts LoadUP v1.71 for After Effectshttp://aescripts.com/loadup/Designed to create loading or progress bars, fast and easy....

    Designed to create any type of loading or progress bar, fast and easy. No more aligning, masking and fiddling around with expressions to create a simple bar. LoadUP! creates all the necessary shape and text layers, inserts key expressions and adds convenient effect controls for easy customization.
    LoadUP! can be run...

  • Aescripts Motioneer 1.1.2 for After Effects MacOS

    Aescripts Motioneer 1.1.2 for After Effects MacOShttps://aescripts.com/motioneer/ Motioneer is a motion library and engine. Copy...

  • Aescripts Limber v1.5.5 for After Effects

    Aescripts Limber v1.5.5 for After EffectsLimber is the new shape-layer IK system for After Effects...

    You can customize the limb shape layer in any way you like: add extra shapes, alter the existing shape, add extra properties like strokes or gradient fills, remove parts of the limb to get separate layers for each part, and much more. Once a limb is styled the way you...

  • Aescripts Bang v1.1.0 for After Effects MacOS

    Aescripts Bang v1.1.0 for After Effects MacOShttps://aescripts.com/bang/Bang is an After Effects plugin that lets you...

  • Aescripts Swatcheroo 1.1.2 for After Effects MacOS

    Aescripts Swatcheroo 1.1.2 for After Effects MacOShttps://aescripts.com/swatcheroo/Swatcheroo is your handy dandy swatch pal. That\'s, uh,...

    Photoshop's got it! Illustrator's got it! Animate's got it– and now AE's got it, too!Swatcheroo is a super simple panel for applying, reading, and storing colours.No clunky, slow, or weird expressions; no helper comps or other bloaty shortcuts. Just colours.

  • Aescripts Swatcheroo 1.1.2 for After Effects

    Aescripts Swatcheroo 1.1.2 for After Effectshttps://aescripts.com/swatcheroo/Swatcheroo is your handy dandy swatch pal. That's, uh, short...

    Photoshop\'s got it! Illustrator\'s got it! Animate\'s got it– and now AE\'s got it, too!
    Swatcheroo is a super simple panel for applying, reading, and storing colours.
    No clunky, slow, or weird expressions; no helper comps or other bloaty shortcuts.
    Just colours.

  • Aescripts Paint & Stick v2.1.2c for After Effects MacOS

    Aescripts Paint & Stick v2.1.2c for After Effects MacOSPaint & Stick - The must have...

    After Effects\' built-in paint tool only lets you paint in the layer window where you have no context of you comp. Paint & Stick lets you paint directly in the comp window with any effects, track matters, adjustment layers, etc so you can paint and immediately see the final result.

  • Aescripts Paint & Stick v2.1.2c for After Effects WIN

    Aescripts Paint & Stick v2.1.2c for After Effects Paint & Stick - The must have...

    After Effects\' built-in paint tool only lets you paint in the layer window where you have no context of you comp. Paint & Stick lets you paint directly in the comp window with any effects, track matters, adjustment layers, etc so you can paint and immediately see the final result.