Old Search System: udemy digital

  • Udemy - general mycology a brief review

    Udemy - general mycology a brief review Language: English (US) general mycology https://www.udemy.com/course/general-mycology-a-brief-review/

    In this course introductionhistory of mycologyMorphology of fungiGrowth of fungiMetabolism of fungi Genetics f fungiDiseases caused by fungi Allergies Mycosis MycotoxinLaboratory diagnosis of fungiAntifungal Drugs used in treatment fungal diseases HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE The term "mycology" is derived from Greek word "mykes" meaning mushroom. Therefore mycology is the study...

  • Udemy - دبلوم محاسب التكاليف المعتمد

    Udemy - دبلوم محاسب التكاليف المعتمد Language: تعرف على مكونات محاسبة التكاليف وتصنيف التكلفة ومراقبة...

    تهدف دورة محاسبة التكاليف إلى تزويد المشاركين بالمعرفة اللازمة لرفع مستوى وعيهم فيما يتعلق بأهمية محاسبة التكاليف الصناعية ، بالإضافة إلى أهمية وأهداف محاسبة التكاليف من أجل تمكينهم من تصنيف وتحديد الأنواع. التكاليف ، وحساب وتحليل التكاليف ، والتمييز بين أنظمة محاسبة التكاليف التقليدية والحديثة ، وإدارة وتحليل التكاليف لاتخاذ...

  • Udemy - Mysql

    https://www.udemy.com/course/mysql-jc/SQL Powerhouse: Comprehensive MySQL Training for Beginners and Beyond"

    What you\'ll learn
    Students learning MySQL typically acquire a range of skills related to database management and query language.
    Have a detailed knowledge and understanding of using MySQL, one of the most widely used databases in the world.
    Obtained a knowledge of SQL, and MySQL, allows students to apply for jobs in the...

  • Udemy - Cyber Security: Secrets Exposed

    https://www.udemy.com/course/cyber-security-secrets-exposed/Buckle up for "Cyber Security: Secrets Exposed" where we're about to unravel the art of...

    But hold on, because in Section 2, we\'re bringing out the big guns – Kali Tools! Learn to roll with Kali Linux like a cyber rockstar. We\'re exposing hidden files, sniffing out subdomains, flipping the script with reverse image searches, and digging up dirt by usernames. Shodan is our sidekick,...

  • Udemy - Gold Light Healing

    https://www.udemy.com/course/gold-light-healing/Discover the Radiant Energy of Gold Light for Self-Healing and Spiritual Growth

    What you\'ll learn

    Understanding the Concept of Gold Light Healing

    History and Origins of Gold Light Healing

    Benefits and Applications of Gold Light Healing

    Exploring the Nature of Gold Light Energy

    Techniques to Access and Channel Gold Light Energy

    Chakras and Gold Light Healing: Balancing Energy Centers

    Meditation for Gold...

  • Udemy - Linux Antivirus Essentials

    https://www.udemy.com/course/linux-antivirus-essentials/Hey Linux champions, listen up! We get it – your digital realm deserves the best...


    Bulletproof Defense in Minutes: gain a powerhouse of Linux antivirus knowledge. No time wasted, just a straight-up injection of cyber-defense mastery.

    Hands-On Expertise: This isn\'t theory; it\'s a hands-on journey. Test viruses, execute scans, and remove threats like a seasoned cybersecurity pro. Practical skills that pack a punch in...

  • Udemy - The Asalato: Advanced Techniques

    https://www.udemy.com/course/the-asalato-advanced-techniques/A step-by-step ADVANCED guide to the world's most unique percussion instrument

    What you\'ll learn

    How to play the Asalato (also known as koshkash, banacula, cascas, kasskass, patica, televi and more)

    How to learn complex rhythms and patterns

    West African Rhythm and Percussion

    How to develop and how to improve coordination


    A pair of Asalato AND

    Completion of my previous course...

  • Udemy - A To Z Of Cryptography

    https://www.udemy.com/course/a-to-z-of-cryptography/Practical Hands-on with Python ProgrammingThis a detailed course on Cryptography, which is a way to...

    Every organization, regardless of size, industry or infrastructure, requires a degree of network security solutions in place to protect it from the ever-growing landscape of cyber threats in the wild today. Network security is a comprehensive aspect that shelters a multitude of technologies, devices and processes involved in computer networks.With...

  • Udemy - Apparative Cosmetology. Beauty Machines

    https://www.udemy.com/course/beauty-machines/Anti-aging techniques using multiple beauty machines for faceThese techniques are perfect for those clients who...

    If you have a question related to this course material, you can ask it in the section of Q&A or by sending me a message or responding to my welcome message, which you get when you start the course in the messages section. If you want to get more free...

  • Udemy - Cyber Security: Linux Audit

    https://www.udemy.com/course/cyber-security-linux-audit/Welcome to \"Cyber Security: Linux Audit\" – your comprehensive guide to fortifying your Linux system...


    Practical Skills: Acquire hands-on experience with tools like Lynis and Tiger, ensuring you can actively safeguard your Linux system.

    Efficient Defense: Master the art of firewall configuration and anti-virus deployment to create an impenetrable security shield.

    Rapid Learning: With concise, focused lectures, gain actionable insights in under 40 minutes.

  • Udemy - Cyber Security by GreyCampus

    https://www.udemy.com/course/cyber-security-foundations/GreyCampus' Information and Cybersecurity Foundations course focus on key areas that all users of information...

    You will get to learn information and data life cycle process, cyber hygiene, forming security habits and procedures to protect information along with learning best practices to manage information security threats. There's a common saying in IT about security, \"Everyone knows they need security, but no one knows what security...

  • Udemy - Adaptive Fashion Customer Deep Dive

    https://www.udemy.com/course/adaptive-fashion-customer-deep-dive/The approaches to dressing, target audience roles, and monetary considerations of the adaptive fashion customer.

    Understanding who the adaptive fashion customer is absolutely essential to every component of adaptive fashion. This course, Adaptive Fashion Customer Deep Dive, covers approaches to dressing, target audience roles, and monetary considerations of the customer. This course is intended for individuals in the fashion industry interested in learning more about...

  • Udemy - Roots of Behaviour

    https://www.udemy.com/course/roots-of-behaviour/Thinking Brain & RelationshipsAre you struggling to understand the behaviour triggers with the young people...

    About The Presenter:

    Karina Schreurs has been working in a range of therapeutic roles over the past 20 years. She has a degree in occupational therapy, post-graduate study in cognition and sensory processing, an individual certification in the Neuro-sequential Model of Therapeutics and a Certificate in Applied Neuroscience. Karina is...

  • Udemy - Smartsheet For Project Management

    https://www.udemy.com/course/smartsheet-for-project-management-pmp/PMO Executive Shares 10 Years of Smartsheet ExpertiseIf you have anything to do with project...

    1. A Methodology - Such as PMP, PRONCE2, PSM 1 etc.

    2. A Project Management Tool - Such as Smartsheet, Microsoft Project

    Many project managers deliberately delay the point of adoption and manage projects intuitively and manually.

    The situation is further complicated because very few good project management tools are...

  • Udemy - Anti Bullying In The Workplace

    https://www.udemy.com/course/anti-bullying-in-the-workplace/Bullying in the workplace can have detrimental effects on employees' well-being, productivity, and overall job...

  • Udemy - Energy Fundamentals For Energy Auditors

    https://www.udemy.com/course/energy-fundamentals-for-energy-auditors/Empower yourself with the knowledge that's crucial for success in energy auditing.

    Energy Auditor Course: Energy Fundamentals

    This Energy Auditor Course aims to improve your way of thinking rather than a deep dive into energy fundamentals and technology. Our goal is to help you see more savings opportunities for your clients without being restricted to costly equipment upgrades.

    Energy Fundamentals for Energy...

  • Udemy - Introduction To Mobile Robotics Design

    https://www.udemy.com/course/introduction-to-mobile-robotics-design/Designing a mobile Robot with SolidworksUnleash Your Inner Robot Builder: Master Mobile Robotics Design with...

    More than just learning the ropes:

    Build your robot from the ground up: Go beyond theory and dive into the practical aspects of mobile robot design. Understand the core components, from actuators and sensors to frames and drivetrains.

    Conquer Solidworks with confidence: Master powerful modeling techniques, assembly practices, and advanced...

  • Udemy - Bio 181 Biology I

    https://www.udemy.com/course/bio-181-biology-1/The study and principles of structure and function of organisms at the molecular and cellular...

    This course is designed to instill a deep understanding of the intricate workings of living organisms, starting at the cellular level and expanding to the broader concepts of genetics, evolution, and ecology. The curriculum begins with an exploration of cell biology, covering topics such as cell structure, function, and metabolism....

  • Udemy - Dosage Calculation - Nursing Tutor Series

    https://www.udemy.com/course/dosage-calculation-nursing-tutor-series/Pass your Dosage Calc Course or exams with help from our Nursing Tutor Series!Unlock the...

    Delve into the world of dosage calculation formulas and learn how to apply them confidently. Uncover the significance of weight-based dosages and the impact they have on medication efficacy and patient safety. Embrace interactive practice scenarios that reinforce dosage calculation skills and build confidence in healthcare professionals. Explore common errors...

  • Udemy - Sleep Mastery

    https://www.udemy.com/course/sleeping-insomnia/Good sleep is essential for good health. Having trouble sleeping greatly affects both our mental...