Old Search System: domestika design185

  • Domestika - Creative Non-fiction Writing: Tell the Real Story

    Domestika - Creative Non-fiction Writing: Tell the Real Story Level: Beginner | Audio: English |...

    By keeping our eyes wide open we can discover life experiences worthy of transforming into remarkable stories. Journalist and author Katie Hafner has honed her craft of telling true stories, with over 20 years of writing experience working for publications such as The New York Times and The Washington Post....

  • Domestika - Book Proposal Writing: How to Get Published

    Domestika - Book Proposal Writing: How to Get Published Level: Beginner | Audio: English |...

    Until now, the art of writing book proposals has been shrouded in secrecy. Courtney Maum, author of Before and After the Book Deal, is here to uncover the mysteries and essentials of getting a book published. As an author with five book deals through publishing houses like Random House, she's...

  • Domestika - Introduction to Visual Journalism

    Domestika - Introduction to Visual Journalism Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish, English,...

    Keen to create compelling pieces of journalism on important topics? According to audiovisual journalist Gladys Serrano, who's covered stories in countries like Mexico, the US, and Honduras for EL PAÍS and Expansión, journalism is not only a form of expression but also an instrument for upholding freedoms and driving change....

  • Domestika - Interior Design Fundamentals: Mastering Color and Texture

    Domestika - Interior Design Fundamentals: Mastering Color and Texture Level: Beginner | Audio: English |...

    Interior design has the ability to evoke an emotional response and create a unique experience for the viewer. Shari Francis is a Brooklyn-based designer dedicated to creating visually striking interior spaces for residential, commercial and hospitality projects. In this course, she teaches you how to create original designs through color...

  • Domestika - Screenwriting Essentials: Create, Write, and Develop for TV

    Domestika - Screenwriting Essentials: Create, Write, and Develop for TV Level: Beginner | Audio: English...

    Screenwriting is an opportunity to explore your unique voice and show the world what you stand for. Screenwriter, producer, director, and performer HaJ has been acting, writing, and producing for most of her life and it’s what she specializes in. She has worked with studios like ABC, CBS, VH1, and...

  • Domestika - Editing a Documentary with Adobe Premiere Pro

    Domestika - Editing a Documentary with Adobe Premiere Pro Level: Beginner | Audio: English |...

    Telling real-life stories through documentaries is a way to help people understand situations and inspire them to change for the better. Through editing, you can reveal conflict, play with time, show each character’s point of view, and keep your audience mesmerized. Visual artist Martina de Alba specializes in editing, producing,...

  • Domestika - Professional Lamp Design: Transform a Space with Light

    Domestika - Professional Lamp Design: Transform a Space with Light Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish...

    Industrial designer Laura Palacio is an expert in capturing the warmth of natural light by creating elegant lamps that imbue spaces with atmosphere and make beautiful memories. As the founder and director of Colombian brand Vida Útil, which has worked for clients such as El Corral, WeWork, and La Miguería,...

  • Domestika - Brand Strategy for Online Platforms

    Domestika - Brand Strategy for Online Platforms Level: Beginner | Audio: English | Subtitles: English,...

    In a constantly evolving digital ecosystem, adapting to new digital platforms and formats is commonplace for designers. And in the rush to stay up to date, they risk becoming a visual “doer” rather than a conceptual thinker. Adaptability is key, however, the true purpose of a designer is to interpret...

  • Domestika - Introduction to Sketch

    Domestika - Introduction to Sketch Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish, English, Portuguese,...

    If you want to design a responsive interface for different devices, in a simple and efficient way, the tools on Sketch—software that has been specially developed for UI designers—make the entire process look easy. In this Domestika Basics of seven courses, UX/UI consultant and designer Samuel Hermoso teaches you how...

  • Domestika - Creative Illustration Techniques with Gouache

    Domestika - Creative Illustration Techniques with Gouache Level: Beginner | Audio: German | Subtitles: German,...

    Aljoscha Blau is a genius when it comes to varying the style of his award-winning illustrations, which revel in the versatility of gouache. Although this type of painting has been around for at least one thousand years across various countries and civilizations, there are still many aspects left to explore....

  • Domestika - Fantasy Illustration in Your Own Style

    Domestika - Fantasy Illustration in Your Own Style Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles:...

    How can I find my signature style? This is one of the most common questions illustrators ask themselves. According to graphic designer Karla Hernández, better known as Charlötte, there's no set formula, but some of the key ingredients you need are your personal interests and the ability to think beyond...

  • Domestika - Drawing Workbook Methodology

    Domestika - Drawing Workbook Methodology Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish, English, Portuguese,...

    Drawing notebooks are a great way to experiment and stimulate your creativity, but they can also be a useful tool for recording your work and storing references. And for graphic designer and illustrator Manuel Bueno, they are also the foundation of his creative process, like interactive building blocks that lead...

  • Domestika - Watercolor Illustration for Children's Stories

    Domestika - Watercolor Illustration for Children's Stories Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish,...

    The ability to create vibrant, expressive illustrations is why watercolors are Antonia Rosello's favorite medium for illustrating stories. Embark on a visual adventure with renowned author and illustrator, published by SM and Santillana, and explore the magical world of children's books. In this course, learn how to illustrate a two-page...

  • Domestika - Creation of Autobiographical Graphic Novels

    Domestika - Creation of Autobiographical Graphic Novels Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish,...

    Art has the power to shape emotions so we can assimilate them, accept them, and make a worthy space for them in our memory. That is precisely what painter and drawing artist Marcela Trujillo, better known as Maliki for her comic character, does with her autobiographical comics. Join Marcela and...

  • Domestika - Creativity for Design Projects

    Domestika - Creativity for Design Projects Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish, English,...

    Explosive ideas, audacity, and striking visual references are the basis for creating a recipe for foolproof design. And no one better than Nora Muñoz and Gabriel Tinoco, founders of the design and illustration studio Cherry Bomb, to guide you in this creative process. In this course, Nora and Gabriel teach...

  • Domestika - Textile Printing Techniques for Beginners

    Domestika - Textile Printing Techniques for Beginners Level: Beginner | Audio: English | Subtitles: English,...

    Creating art that you can wear is a great way to show off your style and personality; a simple white tee can turn into a moving work of art that is all your own. Julia Pelletier is a textile designer who has been specializing in silk screen printing, drawing, and...

  • Domestika - Acrylic Techniques for Creative Illustration

    Domestika - Acrylic Techniques for Creative Illustration Level: Beginner | Audio: English | Subtitles: English,...

    The saying may go “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, but the truth is, audiences do react to an impactful illustration, which results in publishers consistently returning to the same illustrator for other eye-catching work. Jon Berkeley has been illustrating magazine covers, newspapers, and book covers for almost 30...

  • Domestika - Credit Titles Animated with 3D Cameras and After Effects

    Domestika - Credit Titles Animated with 3D Cameras and After Effects Level: Beginner | Audio:...

    Fernando Domínguez - creative director, designer and animator of credit titles of films like Spiderman or Star Trek - will teach you how to manage from scratch the creation of titles at a general level. You will understand its different processes, from storyboard and narration to design, choice of typography,...

  • Domestika - Design and Conceptualization of a Chair

    Domestika - Design and Conceptualization of a Chair Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles:...

    While it often goes unnoticed, the design behind a simple chair brings together a wealth of ideas that have been refined over thousands of years. When we sit down, we exchange stories, share moments, and learn. That's why it's so important that a chair is comfortable. In this course, Mexican...

  • Domestika - Visual Storytelling with Food: Designing New Perspectives

    Domestika - Visual Storytelling with Food: Designing New Perspectives Level: Beginner | Audio: English |...

    Critical thinking and food design are at the heart of culinary innovation and awareness. Through her sculptures, photography and designs, artist Nicole Vindel aims to raise awareness to shift narratives about how we eat and our relationship with the environment. She is the founder of Food Design Nation and Random...