Old Search System: udemy php

  • Udemy - Web Geliştiricisi Olmanın Temelleri

    Udemy - Web Geliştiricisi Olmanın Temelleri https://www.udemy.com/course/web-gelistiricisi-olmann-temelleri/

    Description HTML, CSS ve Flexible Grid System ile web sayfalarınızı tüm mobil cihazlara uygun şekilde kodlamayı öğrenin! Course contentTemel BilgilerBaşlangıçWeb sayfaları nasıl çalışır?HTML, CSS ve Flexible Grid System nedir?Text Editor nedir, nasıl kullanılır?Web sayfası nasıl oluşturulur?HTML'in Çalışma YapısıCSS'in Çalışma YapısıDev Tools nedir, nasıl kullanılır?Font nedir, nasıl kullanılır?Ölçü Birimleri ve RenklerTarayıcı...

  • Udemy - HTML Öğreniyorum

    Udemy - HTML Öğreniyorum https://www.udemy.com/course/html-ogreniyorum/

    Description Bu eğitimle web tasarımına ilk adımı atabilirsiniz. Eğitimde temel HTML etiketleri detaylı olarak anlatılmaktadır. Course contentTüm Derslerhtml-css-icin-gerekli-programlarhtml-sayfasinin-yapisini-anlamaktarayicimizda-gerekli-eklentilerin-kurulmasıhtml-etiketi-ve-ilk-sayfamizin-olusturulmasihead-ve-title-etikenin-kullanimititle-etiketinin-seo-icin-onemi-ve-meta-taqlaribody-etiketi-ve-paragraf-etiketiparagraf-etiketinin-kullanimiDTD-Doctype-kullanimi-ve-standartlara-gore-kod-yazmah etiketleri-heading etiketihtml-bosluk-etiketini-kullanma-nbsphtml-doctype-tipleri-ve-validatehtml-doctype-kullanimi-ve-zen-coding-ile-tanimlanmasipre-etiketinin-kullanimiabbr-acronym-etiketi-ve-dogrulamasub-ve-sup-etiketlerinin-kullanimib-i-em-strong-etiketleri-ve-ipuclariblockquote-ve-q-etiketibr-cite-code-address-etiketleriimg-etiketinin-kullanimi-ipuclariimg-etiketinin-kullanimi-detayli-anlatimliste-elemanlarinin-ul-ol-dl-li-dt-dd-anlatilmasiliste-elemanlarini-ic-ice-kullanmaa-etiketinin-aciklanmasi-ve-site-disi-linklera-etiketi-ile-ayni-duzeyde-linkler-ve-alt-sayfalara-linklera-etiketi-ile-sayfa-ici-link-verme-mantigia-etiketi-ile-dosya-resim-ve-mail-linki-vermea-etiketinin-rel-parametresi-hakkinda-bilgiler-verildiresim-haritalari-olusturmatable-etiketi-ile-satir-ve-sutunlar-olusturmatable-th-ve-caption-etiketitable-colspan-ve-row-span-parametreleriembed-ve-iframe-etiketleriform-etiketinin-anlatilmasiinput-text-etiketi-ve-parametrelerilabel-ve-for-uygulamasipassword-ve-hidden-field-etiketlericheckbox-ve-radio-buton-uygulamatextarea-submit-ve-reset-butonlariselect-option-optgroup-etiketlerifieldset-legend-etiketlerihtml5-ile-gelen-yeni-form-etiketleri-ve-ozelliklerihtml5-ile-gelen-yeni-form-etiketleri-2div-etiketi-nedir-neden-div-kullanilirblock-ve-inline-elemanlari-anlamakblock-ve-inline-elemanlari-ile-ilgili-ornek-ve-validatehtml-5-etiketlerine-girishtml5-etiketlerini-destekleyen-tarayicilar-ve-ietester-programihtml5-doctype-ilk-dokuman-ve-html5shiv-ile-tarayici-uyumluluguhtml5-section-article-aside-nav-header-etiketlerihtml5-hgroup-footer-details-summary-etiketlerihtml5figure-figcaption-time-etiketlerihtml5-mark-meter-progress-etiketlerihtml-video-elementinin-kullanimihtml-audio-etiketi-ile-ses-eklemehtml5-videojs-ve-content-editable-alanlar-final

  • Udemy - Python 3: Sıfırdan Programcılık Mesleğine

    Udemy - Python 3: Sıfırdan Programcılık Mesleğine https://www.udemy.com/course/python-3-sifirdan-programcilik-meslegine/

    Description 12 Kapsamlı Proje, Gerçek Hayattan Örneklerle Anlatım ve Canlı Soru Cevap İle Hayatına Yeni Bir Yetenek Katacaksın. Course contentDojoMeyve Bıçağı Mı Samuray Kılıcı Mı?Bölüm Sonu TestleriKonuyu Anlamadın mı: Canlı DestekProjelerle İlgili Önemli Uyarıİlk TemasPython,İş Varmı, Kazanç ne?Python Kurulumu-WindowsPython Kurulumu-LinuxSublime Text Kuralımİlk Kodlarımızı ÇalıştıralımDeğişkenler Ve Veri TipleriDeğişkenlerDeğişken İsimlendirme KurallarıVeri TipleriDeğişkenlerin...

  • Udemy - 120 Dakikada PHP

    Udemy - 120 Dakikada PHP https://www.udemy.com/course/120-dakikada-php/

    Description 120 dakikada PHP ile programcılık ve kodlamanın temel yapılarına hakim olun. Course contentPHP'ye GirişPHP ve İstemci - Sunucu MimarisiGerekli KurulumlarXAMPP Stack KurulumuEditor Kurulumuİlk PHP Koduİlk PHP KoduDeğişkenlerDeğişkenlerVeri TipleriVeri TipleriKarakter Dizilerini BirleştirmeKarakter Dizilerini BirleştirmePHP ve HTMLPHP ve HTMLDizilerDizilerDöngülerFor DöngüsüWhile DöngüsüForeach DöngüsüIf Şart İfadesiIf Şart İfadesiMantıksal Operatörler ve Karşılaştırma OperatörleriÇok Boyutlu...

  • Udemy - Sıfırdan Yazılım Mühendisi Olma Kursu

    Udemy - Sıfırdan Yazılım Mühendisi Olma Kursu https://www.udemy.com/course/sfrdan-yazlm-muhendisi-olma-kursu/

    Description Python -- C -- C++ -- C# -- Yapay Zeka Course contentGirişTanıtımPythonKurulumlarTemel Veri TipleriEkrana Çıktı ÇıkartmakKullanıcıdan Veri AlmakKoşula Bağlı İşlemOperatörlerDöngülerFonksiyonlarString BiçimlendirmeKaçış DizileriOrta Veri Tipleri - 1Orta Veri Tipleri - 2Hata YakalamaString İleri SeviyeSayılar İleri SeviyeTemel Dosya İşlemleriİleri Seviye FonksiyonlarModüllerNesne Tabanlı Programlama - 1Nesne Tabanlı Programlama - 2SQLite Veri TabanıPython...

  • Udemy - Uygulamalarla SQL Öğreniyorum

    Udemy - Uygulamalarla SQL Öğreniyorum https://www.udemy.com/course/sql-ogreniyorum/

    Description SQL Dilini ve Veritabanı Sorgulamayı Gerçek ve Örnek Uygulamalar ile Yazarak Öğrenin Course contentGirişGirişİlişkisel Veritabanı Kavramı (RDMS)Giriş | SQL Server KurulumBölüm 1 | Ders SonuVeritabanı İşlemleri GirişVT İşlemleri Giriş | Management StudioVT İşlemleri Giriş | Tablo OluşturmaBölüm 2 | Ders SonuTemel SQL KomutlarıTemel SQL Komutları | GirişTemel SQL Komutları...

  • Udemy - Creative Editing For Film & Video

    Udemy - Creative Editing For Film & Video https://www.udemy.com/course/creative-editing-masterclass/ Learn how to creative techniques for...

    Description In this course you will learn the basics of editing films and videos from start to finish as well as how to thinking creatively towards the process. This is not a \"how-to\" course on how to use a specific editing application. This course is designed about the editing process...

  • Udemy - Procedural Terrain Generation with Unity

    Udemy - Procedural Terrain Generation with Unity https://www.udemy.com/course/procedural-terrain-generation-with-unity/ Programming realistic environments with C# through the...

    Description Course content Introduction How to Study This Course Join the H3D Student Community Welcome FAQs The Unity Terrain Object Behind the Scenes of a Terrain Object Manual Terrain Creation Part 1 Manual Terrain Creation Part 2 Design Principles for Terrain Aesthetics Landscape Reproduction Challenge Quiz 1 Getting Ready to...

  • Udemy - Python Programming for beginners 2020

    Udemy - Python Programming for beginners 2020 https://www.udemy.com/course/python-programming-for-beginners-m/

    Description Course content Introduction Online IDE for running Python programs Hello World program and Indentation Installing a Python IDE in Windows and Linux OS Comment Lines in Python Working with Variables Global Variables in Python Input Operation in Python Datatypes in Python Numbers and Strings Example Programs on Numbers datatype...

  • Udemy - Python Basics for Software Development

    Udemy - Python Basics for Software Development https://www.udemy.com/course/python-basics-for-software-development/

    Description Course content Introduction Introduction How to make most out of this course? Whats\'s New? Python Installation Module 1 - Basics Module 1 - Introduction About Python Strings and Comments Integers Calculations Variables Using Variables Updating Variables String Concatenation Datatypes Control Flow Statements Boolean Else Statements Combining Conditions Elif Statements...

  • Udemy - Learn Pro Advanced Python Programming

    Udemy - Learn Pro Advanced Python Programming https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-pro-advanced-python-programming/

    Description Course content Python Comprehension Section Overview Introduction to Comprehension List Comprehension Part-1 List Comprehension Part-2 List Comprehension vs Lambda Function Parsing a File Using List Comprehension Accessing Function using List Comprehension Dictionary Comprehension Set Comprehension Generator Comprehension Descriptors in Python Section Overview Introduction to Descriptors Invoking Descriptors Purpose of...

  • Udemy - Complete Python with project (updated)

    Udemy - Complete Python with project (updated) https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-python-with-project/

    Description Course content Complete python series Introduction to python QUIZ Installation of lab Installation of lab Variables of python Variables Operators in python Operators intro Arithmetic Operators Relational operators Assignment Operators Logical operators QUIZ Understanding the concepts of Loops Loops QUIZ Data structure in python Introduction to data-structure & Numbers...

  • Udemy - Cinematic Lighting

    Udemy - Cinematic Lighting https://www.udemy.com/course/cinematic-lighting/ The art of dramatic lighting, for cinematographers of independent films

    Description Course content Day Exterior Principles & Prep Blocking for Success Exposure Shaping the Singles Day Interior Scouting & Equipment Lighting Through a Window Atmosphere Lighting the Reverse Night Interior Interior vs. Exterior Light Working with Toplight Moonlight & Firelight Shooting the Singles Night Exterior Setting the Moon Finessing the...

  • Udemy - Complete Python with project

    Udemy - Complete Python with project https://www.udemy.com/course/complete-python-with-project/ Complete Python course for beginner to Advance level...

    Description Course content Complete python series Introduction to python QUIZ Installation of lab Installation of lab Operators in python Operators intro Arithmetic Operators Relational operators Assignment Operators Logical operators QUIZ Python Loops Loops QUIZ Data structure in python String List Tuple dictonary QUIZ Functions Function intro Function code QUIZ Modules...

  • Udemy - Competitive Programming: Algorithms, Patterns, Techniques

    Udemy - Competitive Programming: Algorithms, Patterns, Techniques https://www.udemy.com/course/competitive-programming-and-coding-interviews-mastermind/ Build the foundation in Algorithms and Data...

    Description Course content Strings Challenges Spy-string Spy-string - Solution Homeowrk #1 Array Challenges K-periodic Garland K-Periodic Garland - Solution Subsequence Hate Subsequence Hate - Solution Homework #1 Hash & Sets Challenges Two Sum Two Sum - Solution Hilbert\'s Hotel Hilbert\'s Hotel - Solution Hilbert\'s Hotel - Solution - Part II...

  • Udemy - Python From Scratch

    Udemy - Python From Scratch https://www.udemy.com/course/python-from-scratch-y/ Python From Scratch will teach you Python, Python GUI...

    Description Course content Introduction and Basics Course Contents Tools installation (intro) Tools installation in windows Tools installation in mac OS Tools installation in Linux Working with Jupyter Python data types (intro) Python Data types (Numbers) Python Data types (Numbers) Python Data types (Strings) Python Data types (Strings) Type conversion Type...

  • Udemy - Python 3.8.5 for Beginners 2020

    Udemy - Python 3.8.5 for Beginners 2020 https://www.udemy.com/course/python-programming-in-2020/ Python 3.8.5 for Beginners 2020

    Description Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python\'s design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace. Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale...

  • Udemy - Professional Video Production

    Udemy - Professional Video Production https://www.udemy.com/course/professional-video-production/ Pre- Pro- and Post-Production Essentials

    In the 21st century, many companies require advanced visual communications to connect and spread information about their products and services to the rest of the world. Visual communication is a skill that is both essential and in demand. This course focuses on the specifics of how to use a leading...

  • Udemy - Photoshop on the iPad MasterClass

    Udemy - Photoshop on the iPad MasterClass https://www.udemy.com/course/photoshop-on-the-ipad-masterclass/ Learn Photoshop on the iPad, the unparalleled...

    Description Photoshop has been the gold standard for photo editing, retouching and manipulation for decades. Until recently you had to have a desktop or laptop computer to use it, but now you can also create stunning composites, retouch your images, and apply effects while on the go, by using Photoshop...

  • Udemy - English for IT Professionals

    Udemy - English for IT Professionals https://www.udemy.com/course/english-for-it/ Key vocabulary and grammar to upgrade your IT...

    Description The course is for learners of English who work in IT or study information technology or related subjects. It contains about 140 IT words and phrases and 8 carefully chosen grammar topics to help you speak more confident at work and about work. The course is well-organized and divided...