Old Search System: domestika design

  • Domestika - Introduction to Lightroom Classic

    Domestika - Introduction to Lightroom Classic Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish, English,...

    If you want to develop and retouch your photos like the experts, Adobe Lightroom has all the features you need to achieve professional results. According to photographer and Adobe certified expert Daniel Arranz, it's an essential program for his work, as it gives him the power to develop, edit, and...

  • Domestika - Urban Sketching: Create Expressive Cityscapes

    Domestika - Urban Sketching: Create Expressive Cityscapes Level: Beginner | Audio: English | Subtitles: English,...

    Each cityscape encapsulates a fleeting moment in time. From the silhouetted skyline to the bustling crowd, everything changes by the second, and sketching on location is a chance to immortalize it all on paper. Illustrator Eleanor Doughty embraced this opportunity and found her niche as an urban sketcher. Her drawings,...

  • Domestika - Creating a Woven Ceiling Lampshade

    Domestika - Creating a Woven Ceiling Lampshade Level: Beginner | Audio: French | Subtitles: French,...

    Want to immerse yourself in a creative universe full of softness and cozy wool? Discover artisanal weaving techniques using so much more than a standard loom and create a dazzling lampshade to brighten up any room. The possibilities are endless! In this online course, develop elaborate designs and master circular...

  • Domestika - Double Hoop Embroidery with Relief Stitches

    Domestika - Double Hoop Embroidery with Relief Stitches Level: Advanced | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles:...

    Want to take your textile creations a step further? Loly Ghirardi, otherwise known as Señorita Lylo, is here to teach you the ins and outs of relief embroidery with a double hoop in this online course. This setup allows you to set your embroidery free and give distinctive depth to...

  • Domestika - Punch Needle Techniques for Home Decorations

    Domestika - Punch Needle Techniques for Home Decorations Level: Beginner | Audio: English | Subtitles:...

    Punch needle is an ancient art form that has been revived with a modern twist. Artist Adeline Wang uses it to create unique pieces, from wall hangings to rugs. She sells her creations online via her online shop and has collaborated with brands including Michael’s and The UPS Store. In...

  • Domestika - Introduction to Ceramic 3D Printing

    Domestika - Introduction to Ceramic 3D Printing Level: Beginner | Audio: English | Subtitles: English,...

    The beauty of new technologies is how they revolutionize traditional practices. Through their design studio Unfold, Dries Verbruggen and his partner Claire explore the intersection between ancient techniques and methods of the future to reconnect with a more local, human, and sustainable form of production. Known as the pioneers of...

  • Domestika - Floral Drawings to Illustrate your Bullet Journal

    Domestika - Floral Drawings to Illustrate your Bullet Journal Level: Beginner | Audio: English |...

    Keeping a journal is a way to take time for yourself, and illustrating one is a huge part of it. It's a therapeutic practice of unleashing creativity. Annie Weir, the artist behind A Journal by Annie, specializes in combining art, lettering, and clean layout to create illustrated spaces that house...

  • Domestika - 3D Modeling: Create Colorful and Joyful Objects

    Domestika - 3D Modeling: Create Colorful and Joyful Objects Level: Beginner | Audio: French |...

    Enter the bright and cheerful world of 3D designer Martine, whose colorful creations immerse us in a playful universe and open the doors to a three-dimensional world brimming with adorable characters, nature, and enchantment. In this Domestika course, learn how to use everyday objects to create 3D illustrations from a...

  • Domestika - Sign Creation with Hand-Painted Lettering

    Domestika - Sign Creation with Hand-Painted Lettering Level: Beginner | Audio: English | Subtitles: English,...

    Showcard sign painting is one of the most creative ways to send a message or advertise a product. Graphic designer and lettering artist Christopher Rouleau has created original hand-painted signs for clients like LG, Pepsi, and Uppercase Magazine. He believes that if you make a sign well, and make it...

  • Domestika - Jewelry Design with Laser Cutting

    Domestika - Jewelry Design with Laser Cutting Level: Beginner | Audio: English | Subtitles: English,...

    Learning to illustrate your ideas is the key to creating beautiful, laser cut jewelry. Artist and product designer Amanda Woodcock, better known as Modern Science Project, creates jewelry and other decorative objects out of acrylic, clay, and ceramics. Her work, which she shares with over 20K followers on Instagram, combines...

  • Domestika - Analog Flash Photography for Expressive Portraits

    Domestika - Analog Flash Photography for Expressive Portraits Level: Beginner | Audio: English | Subtitles:...

    Part of the magic in analog photography is the mystery of what an image looks like until it is developed. For award-winning photographer Maya Fuhr, that part of the process allows her to become more in touch with her subjects, resulting in striking, intimate photos. Maya has collaborated with fashion...

  • Domestika - Professional Set Design for Product Photography

    Domestika - Professional Set Design for Product Photography Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles:...

    "When design, photography, and art go hand in hand, the only possible result is that our client's product shines," affirms visual artist and art director Mireia Ruiz, better known on social media as Mireia y sus cosas. In this online course, see how to convey ideas and emotions through colors,...

  • Domestika - 3D Animation with Cinema 4D and Redshift for Beginners

    Domestika - 3D Animation with Cinema 4D and Redshift for Beginners Level: Beginner | Audio:...

    Art director and 3D artist Farid Ghanbari, also known as Renderburger, loves nothing more than getting started on a new CGI project. With over twelve years of experience as a 3D artist, he is dedicated to his craft and is passionate about sharing his knowledge. In this course, learn all...

  • Domestika - Dynamic Animation with 2D and 3D Illustration

    Domestika - Dynamic Animation with 2D and 3D Illustration Level: Beginner | Audio: English |...

    Digital illustration allows you to express your inner artistic world. Combining illustration with animation, allows you to bring that world to life! Willie and Jill from Advntr Studio are here to teach you how to do just that by creating engaging animations. Uncover the secrets behind animation and learn how...

  • Domestika - Illustrate with Confidence and you will Triumph

    Domestika - Illustrate with Confidence and you will Triumph Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish |...

    Join the fight against bored customers! It's good to be bland. In this course the ConspiracyStudio team teaches you its tricks to turn a boring ad into a job you want to add to your portfolio. Pim-pam, a bit of Illustrator, Wacom's release on indoor track, and very easily and...

  • Domestika - High Speed Product Photography

    Domestika - High Speed Product Photography Level: Intermediate | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish, English,...

    Photographer Paloma Rincón will teach you how to freeze the movement of a liquid to create dynamic and impactful compositions in product or creative still lifes. You will work with natural light first and flash later, to discover different ways to achieve this effect technically. This resource of movement is...

  • Domestika - Integration of 3D Elements Using VFX Techniques

    Domestika - Integration of 3D Elements Using VFX Techniques Level: Intermediate | Audio: Spanish |...

    In this course, Xuan Prada - visual effects artist - will teach you to incorporate digital 3D elements in video or photographs with professional techniques used in visual effects studies. With the knowledge acquired in this course, you will understand perfectly how you work in visual effects planes and you...

  • Domestika - Photographic Post-Production for Imagination

    Domestika - Photographic Post-Production for Imagination Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish, English,...

    Silvia Grav—named by Flickr as one of the 20 best photographers in the world under the age of 20 and who currently works for brands such as HBO, Lexus, and Samsung—teaches you each of the photographic post-production processes and techniques that she has discovered by researching throughout her career. These...

  • Domestika - Illustration for Beginners: Find Your Own Method

    Domestika - Illustration for Beginners: Find Your Own Method Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish |...

    Want to learn to communicate through your creativity? Discover the secrets of visual language and the power it has to transmit ideas alongside illustrator and designer Daniel Roldán. Train your imagination and find your own work method through playing with everything around you. In this course, learn how to manifest...

  • Domestika - Digital illustration with coloured pencils

    Domestika - Digital illustration with coloured pencils Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish,...

    The illustrations of Mercedes deBellard became viral thanks to platforms such as Pinterest or Tumblr, nowadays her style is easily recognizable and many customers want to collaborate with her. In this introductory course in digital drawing, you will learn to imitate the traditional technique of illustration with colored pencils using...