Old Search System: domestika design

  • Domestika - Artistic Drawing with Ink

    Domestika - Artistic Drawing with Ink Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish, English,...

    Paper is the perfect blank canvas to reveal who you are. Join illustrator and visual artist Diego Andrade as he teaches you how to find your illustrative voice through ink. In this online course, Diego shows you a range of different techniques to apply to your drawings. Using lines and...

  • Domestika - Character-based Infographic Design

    Domestika - Character-based Infographic Design Level: Beginner | Audio: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish, English, Portuguese,...

    Everything has a graphic interpretation; for journalism, it's infographics. In this online course, illustrator Norberto Baruch, better known as El Norbi, teaches you all about this image-driven narrative genre that doesn't separate form from content. Infographics are a precise, succinct, and conceptual format, but they are also extremely versatile in...

  • Domestika - Furniture Manufacturing for Beginners: Open Source Design

    Domestika - Furniture Manufacturing for Beginners: Open Source Design Level: Beginner | Audio: Portuguese |...

    The open source design philosophy and its digital production possibilities are paving the way for more sustainable and collaborative design and manufacture, making it accessible to those in need and starting a dialogue with different cultures. This is a fundamental pillar in the work of Denis Fujii, founder of STUDIO...

  • Domestika - Resumes for Creatives: Craft Your CV and Cover Letter

    Domestika - Resumes for Creatives: Craft Your CV and Cover Letter Level: Beginner | Audio:...

    The very first steps to landing your dream job is having a solid resume and cover letter and nailing the interview. Creative recruiter Nikky Lyle has been connecting candidates and companies for over a decade. In this course, she is here to share her industry insight on how to write...