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  • Udemy - Reconnect with yourself

    Udemy - Reconnect with yourself Language: English (US) Improve the relationship you have with yourself...

    In this course you will learn to value and take care of the most important relationship you have in the world: with yourself. Many times with the passage of time we lose that connection with our center and we end up living an automatic life that doesn\'t end up fulfilling...

  • Udemy - Process Mapping: Toolkit

    Udemy - Process Mapping: Toolkit Language: English (UK) #1 Process Mapping course: The step by...

    Mapping and improving your organisation\'s processes is something that is becoming increasingly important. As we move forward, organisations are building more and more processes, all with varying purposes, touching various departments and delivering various products. As these become more complex and organisations grow, having the knowledge of how to map,...

  • Udemy - FMEA: Failure, Modes, Effects, Analysis

    Udemy - FMEA: Failure, Modes, Effects, Analysis Language: English (UK) #1 FMEA course: The step...

    The FMEA (Failure, Modes, Effects, Analysis) tool is by far one of the best root cause analysis tools out there. As a tool, you can deploy this in both a reactive and proactive way. You can use it to identify what has gone wrong, why it has gone wrong and...

  • Udemy - Fast track French for beginners

    Udemy - Fast track French for beginners Language: English (US) A step by step guide...

    Problem: You want to learn the basics of French but you don\'t know where to start. We have a solution for you! Our complete beginner\'s French language learning course will help you learn the fundamentals of French in a matter of weeks. You see, learning 75% of a language only...

  • Udemy - Google Spreadsheets: Empieza desde cero

    Udemy - Google Spreadsheets: Empieza desde cero Language: Español La mejor alternativa a Microsoft Excel....

    ¿Por qué aprender Google Sheets? La forma en que usamos las hojas de cálculo está cambiando. La mayor parte de nuestro trabajo y colaboración se realiza a través de canales en línea, nuestras hojas de cálculo también se están moviendo en línea. Google Sheets es un programa de hojas de...

  • Udemy - كتابة سيرة ذاتية احترافية

    Udemy - كتابة سيرة ذاتية احترافية Language: العربية دورة احترافية تكشف ما وراء السطور و...

    هذه الدورة مقدمة من مؤسسة د.سام للخدمات الاستشارية والتعليمية التابعة لمجموعة البسام. وهي من إعداد أ.بسام موسى. وهذه الدورة هي عصارة جهود وخبرات عمل لأكثر من 15 عاماً في مراكز تدريبية و منظمات دولية. هذه ليست مجرد دورة نظرية تتعلم فيها الكلمات التي يجب عليك كتابتها، بل هي دورة متعمقة...

  • Udemy - قواعد اللغه الإنجليزية الجرامر

    Udemy - قواعد اللغه الإنجليزية الجرامر Language: العربية الجرامر بالعربى https://www.udemy.com/course/xbzomwar/

    اللغة الانجليزية من أهم الضرورات التي يجب على كل شخص أن يتقنها حتى يتمكن من إيجاد فرص العمل والدراسة المناسبة لتنطلق بدراسة اللغة الانجليزية بشكل صحيح عليك أن تبدأ بدراسة قواعد اللغة الانجليزية هنالك مشكلة تواجه الكثير من الطلاب وخاصة ممن يتعلمون اللغة الانجليزية في المعاهد المحلية أو حتى في...

  • Udemy - kids first steps in English

    Udemy - kids first steps in English Language: English (US) teaching kids English step by...

    Dear parents as parents teachers we are responsible for improving our kids skills there is no doubt that the preschool is the most significant and enriched education stage it occupies an important position across education meanwhile it constitute the solid basis of all other stages as well as the bridge...

  • Udemy - speak Arabic like natives

    Udemy - speak Arabic like natives Language: English (US) listen to speak https://www.udemy.com/course/speak-arbic-like-natives/

    Arabic is an old language . It is believed to have originated in the Arabian Peninsula. Arabic, which first emerged in the northwest of the Arabian Peninsula, is a member of the Semitic family of languages which also includes Hebrew and Aramaic. Whilst very early manifestations of Arabic date back...

  • Udemy - Remote Sensing using ArcGIS Pro

    Udemy - Remote Sensing using ArcGIS Pro Language: English (US) Applications of Remote Sensing using...

    This is a coourse of applications of Remote Sensing using ESRI Products. Includes: #AulaGEO 1) Introduction i. Course overview 2) Introduction to ArcGIS Online i. Basics of ArcGIS Online ii. ArcGIS Online Sign in and map viewer iii. ArcGIS Online map layout and tools iv. Preparing a map in ArcGIS...

  • Udemy - Real Estate Investment & Finance

    Udemy - Real Estate Investment & Finance Language: English (US) Learn to use real estate...

    This course will provide many useful tools for real estate investors and home buyers. Real estate investing in a complex topic for many reasons. Real estate is a large investment, often requiring a significant part of an and individual's asset portfolio. Real estate investing often requires financing which increases the...

  • Udemy - QuickBooks Payroll - QuickBooks Pro Desktop

    Udemy - QuickBooks Payroll - QuickBooks Pro Desktop Language: English (US) Processing QuickBooks Pro Desktop...

    QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2019 payroll will describe the payroll process for a small business in detail, so bookkeepers, accountants, and business owners can better understand how to set up payroll, process payroll, and troubleshoot problems related to payroll. This course will introduce the payroll set-up in the QuickBooks Desktop Pro...

  • Udemy - Organizational Culture Change

    Udemy - Organizational Culture Change Language: English (UK) #1 Organizational Culture Change course: The step...

    Trying to make changes in a culture that is negative, toxic or has stagnated is virtually impossible, therefore some work on that culture needs to take place first. Organizational culture is the backbone of every company - and this culture spans from a company\'s people through to its processes. This...

  • Udemy - Power System Analysis Fundamentals

    Udemy - Power System Analysis Fundamentals Language: English (US) This course aims to teach you...

    This course aims to teach you the fundamentals of power system analysis, making tedious calculations in power system studies easy to understand for you. As we all know a power system comprised of heavy equipment needs to be analyzed properly under all operating conditions. In order to make the analysis...

  • Udemy - Power BI: Empieza desde cero

    Udemy - Power BI: Empieza desde cero Language: Español Aprende con Power BI a darle...

    ¡Vuélvete un experto en el Business Intelligence con Power BI! Si eres un estudiante o profesionista que quiere potenciar su carrera profesional te tengo una buena noticia: ¡Encontraste el curso indicado! ¿Sientes que tu carrera profesional esta estancada? ¿Tu perfil no destaca entre el de los demás? ¿Sientes que en...

  • Udemy - QuickBooks Online Multiple Currencies

    Udemy - QuickBooks Online Multiple Currencies Language: English (US) Learn to record transactions using multiple...

    Learn how to get access to QuickBooks Online including a possible free 30-day trial version often offered by Intuit, the owner of QuickBooks Online. The course will discuss accounting for multiple currencies, outlining the process in Excel to provide a more transparent look at the process. Then we will enter...

  • Udemy - Podcast Coach: Podcasting Profits

    Udemy - Podcast Coach: Podcasting Profits Language: English (US) Turning Your Free Podcast Listeners into...

    Successful podcasters often ask: \"How can I make money with my Podcast?\" While there are numerous options, the simplest answer which truly leverages your existing relationship with your audience is: Coaching. With over 9,100 students and 210 raving reviews, Scott Paton and Marc Mawhinney team up again to share how...

  • Udemy - Personal Presentation Training

    Udemy - Personal Presentation Training Language: English (US) Receive personalized feedback and live Skype video...

    Personal Presentation Training In this \"Personal Presentation Training\" course you will receive personalized training, feedback, and coaching from TJ Walker, a leading public speaking coach to CEOs, Presidents of countries, and Prime Ministers. You will receive up to 10 personalized video critiques of your speeches and you will receive a...

  • Udemy - Personal Finance #5-Purchasing Strategies

    Udemy - Personal Finance #5-Purchasing Strategies Language: English (US) Learn best practices for making long-term,...

    This course will concentrate on large personal purchases, outlining buying strategies to make the best long-term purchase decisions. Human beings are great at short-term decisions, those where we can hone down our habits, training our gut so that we can trust our gut during future similar discussions. However, we are...

  • Udemy - Executive Diploma in Innovation Management

    Udemy - Executive Diploma in Innovation Management Language: English (US) Executive course at management in...

    Welcome to course: Executive Diploma in Innovation Management You will know about: what is innovation and innovation management, its types, history of innovation management, usage of frameworks (lean startup, custdev, innovation loops, two-speed innovation), instruments of innovation management (planning, writing ideas), the essence and examples of breakthrough innovations, how to...