Old Search System: gravity forms learndash

  • Gravity Forms v2.8.9 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms v2.8.9 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/ Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows you...

    Changelog - Added a new form setting to put field validation messages above inputs. - Added the [`gform_bypass_template_library`]() filter to bypass the template library and create a blank form. - Fixed an issue where an invalid value in a hidden state field causes a fatal error on submission. - Fixed...

  • Gravity Forms Stripe v5.6.0 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms Stripe v5.6.0 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/add-ons/stripe/ Powered by Stripe. Automatically capture credit card payments...

    Changelog ### 5.6.0 | 2024-04-29 - Added a new [`gform_stripe_payment_element_updated_payment_information`]() javascript filter to allow modifying the payment element payment information when the form total changes. - Updated logging to decrease the log file size and make it easier to track issues. - Fixed a fatal error that occurs when the...

  • Gravity Forms v2.8.8 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms v2.8.8 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/ Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows you...

    Changelog - Added security enhancements. - Fixed a fatal error in WordPress 6.5 when using a 3rd-party add-on without a defined slug. - Fixed a PHP notice that is thrown when calling GFForms::get_form() with just the form ID parameter. - Fixed an issue where the submit button was blocked by...

  • Gravity Forms Fetcher v1.0.5 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms Fetcher v1.0.5 - Nulled https://jetsloth.com/wordpress-plugins/gravity-forms-fetcher/ Fetcher for Gravity Forms provides inline links to...

    Changelog Sorry, no changelog is available at this time.

  • Gravity Forms v2.8.7.2 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms v2.8.7.2 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/ Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows you...

    Changelog - Fixed a PHP notice that is thrown when calling GFForms::get_form() with just the form ID parameter. - Fixed an issue where the submit button was blocked by the reCAPTCHA field in IOS devices when using certain themes.

  • Gravity Forms MailChimp v5.4.0 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms MailChimp v5.4.0 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/add-ons/mailchimp/ Directly integrate your forms with MailChimp to gain...

    Changelog - Fixed an issue where the status of an existing subscribed list/audience member changes to pending when double opt-in is enabled on the feed.

  • CodeCanyon - Gravity Forms Styles Pro Add-on v3.1.3 - 18880940 - Nulled

    CodeCanyon - Gravity Forms Styles Pro Add-on v3.1.3 - 18880940 - Nulled DEMO https://codecanyon.net/item/gravity-forms-styles-pro-addon/18880940

  • Gravity Forms Tooltips v1.1.56 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms Tooltips v1.1.56 - Nulled https://jetsloth.com/gravity-forms-tooltips/ Tooltips for Gravity FormsEasily add styled Tooltips to...

    Changelog Sorry, no changelog is available at this time.

  • Gravity Forms SendGrid v1.6 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms SendGrid v1.6 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/add-ons/sendgrid/ The SendGrid add-on seamlessly integrates SendGrid with Gravity...

    Changelog - Added support for CC addresses in notifications. - Fixed an issue where warnings appear on the form settings page.

  • Gravity Forms Image Choices v1.4.19 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms Image Choices v1.4.19 - Nulled https://jetsloth.com/gravity-forms-image-choices/ Add images to your checkbox or radio...

    Changelog Sorry, no changelog is available at this time. Installation Instructions If required use ANY key to activate.

  • Gravity Forms Tooltips v1.1.54 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms Tooltips v1.1.54 - Nulled https://jetsloth.com/gravity-forms-tooltips/ Tooltips for Gravity FormsEasily add styled Tooltips to...

    Changelog Sorry, no changelog is available at this time.

  • Gravity Forms v2.8.7 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms v2.8.7 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/ Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows you...

    Changelog ### 2.8.7 | 2024-04-03 - Fixed a bug where total calculation and post conditional logic events sometimes aren\'t called when using the `gform_abort_conditional_logic_do_action` filter. - Fixed a fatal error that sometimes occurs when deleting entries. - Fixed a bug that causes the plugins page to display \"Auto-updates disabled\" for...

  • Gravity Forms Help Scout v2.2.1 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms Help Scout v2.2.1 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/add-ons/help-scout/ Automatically add subscribers to your email lists...

    Changelog ### 2.2.1 - Fixed an issue where the feed isn\'t processed when using the Create Conversation button on the Entry Detail page.

  • Gravity Forms MailChimp v5.3.1 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms MailChimp v5.3.1 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/add-ons/mailchimp/ Directly integrate your forms with MailChimp to gain...

    Changelog ### 5.3.1 - Fixed an issue where the status of an existing subscribed list/audience member changes to pending when double opt-in is enabled on the feed. - Reminder: The gform_mailchimp_args_pre_subscribe filter is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use the [gform_mailchimp_subscription]() filter instead.

  • Gravity Forms Advanced Select v1.1.4 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms Advanced Select v1.1.4 - Nulled https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gravity-forms-advanced-select/ Beautiful, searchable, extensible Drop Down and Multi...

    Changelog ## 1.1.4 - Updated dependency to fix an issue where lazy loaded options would not respect the limit selections snippet. - Fixed issue where lazy-loaded fields could be disabled on initial load when they should not be.

  • SearchWP Source - Gravity Forms v0.0.3 - Nulled

    SearchWP Source - Gravity Forms v0.0.3 - Nulled https://searchwp.com/extensions/source-gravity-forms/ Gravity Forms is a premier forms...

    Changelog Sorry, no changelog is available at this time.

  • Gravity Forms Postmark v1.4 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms Postmark v1.4 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/add-ons/postmark/ Easily and seamlessly use Gravity Forms to send...

    Changelog - Improved performance by caching API responses and increasing timeout.

  • Gravity Forms Mailgun v1.4.0 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms Mailgun v1.4.0 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/add-ons/mailgun/ The Mailgun add-on seamlessly integrates Gravity Forms with...

    Changelog - Added support for CC and BCC values when sending a notification. - Updated the documentation link for verifying domains to a more helpful documentation page. - Fixed an issue where the \"find your private API Key\" link on the settings page is invalid. - Fixed an issue where...

  • Gravity Forms v2.8.6 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms v2.8.6 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/ Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows you...

    Changelog - Added *[gform_custom_merge_tags]()* javascript filter to allow the inclusion of custom merge tags. - Added `gform_merge_tags_supported_input_types` javascript filter to allow the inclusion of specific input types for merge tags. - Added the `gform_pre_post_render` filter to GFFormDisplay::post_render_script() to abort the rendering process. - Fixed a bug that prevents the error...

  • Gravity Forms v2.8.5.1 - Nulled

    Gravity Forms v2.8.5.1 - Nulled https://www.gravityforms.com/ Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that allows you...

    Changelog - API: Updated the file upload field value in the draft entry from GFFormsModel::create_lead() to contain a JSON encoded array of file details instead of the incorrect file URL. - Fixed a bug that prevents the error icon from displaying in the validation summary in the Gravity Forms 2.5...