Old Search System: DESKTOP MOCK

  • Plane Desktop Models (Boeing 777)

    Plane Desktop Models (Boeing 777) https://3dsky.org/3dmodels/show/plane_desktop_models_boeing_777 Platform: 3dsMax 2015 + fbx Render: Vray

    Plane Models For Desktop

  • NXPowerLite Desktop 10.1

    NXPowerLite Desktop 10.1 (x64) | 60.3 Mb NXPowerLite Desktop Edition radically reduces the size of...

    NXPowerLite Desktop Edition will automatically optimize email attachments as they are sent. File recipients don\'t need NXPowerLite to open or edit the attachments.
    Main features:
    - Simple user interface
    - ZIP archive optimisation
    - Batch processing of documents
    - Integrate with email client to automatically optimise attachments
    - Choice of optimisation levels
    - Microsoft Office integration
    - Multilanguage...

  • HQPlayer Desktop 5.4


    HQPlayer Desktop 5.4

    HQPlayer Desktop 5.4 (x64) | 188.3 Mb HQPlayer is a high quality audio player for...

    Supported source formats:
    CDDA (Audio CD)
    DSDIFF (DFF, non-compressed)
    RIFF (WAV, including DXD/RF64)
    RAW streams
    Supported playlist formats:
    M3U / M3U8
    Software upsampling / downsampling with selectable algorithm up to 32-bit 1.536 MHz or down to 8-bit 32 kHz PCM (28 options, most \"apodizing\")
    Delta-Sigma modulators for upsampling PCM/DSD content up to 98.304 MHz 1-bit SDM (11 modulators,...

  • Desktop Monitor Mockup

    Desktop Monitor Mockup https://elements.envato.com/desktop-monitor-mockup-6WRNE26

    **Desktop Monitor Mockup**
    Mockups can help you be more efficient and creative. They allow you to show parts of your design in a way that makes it easy for others to understand how your project will look like.
    A successful design is one that looks good, feels good, and works well. A...

  • OkMap Desktop 18.2


    OkMap Desktop 18.2

    OkMap Desktop 18.2 (x64) Multilingual | 43.6 Mb OkMap is an interactive software which allows...

    Through these maps, you can organize your paths by creating waypoints, routes and tracks on your computer monitor, and upload this data to your GPS. OkMap sets automatically altitude data and estimates travel times. Furthermore OkMap provides you also with autorouting and geocoding functions.
    Data collected by your GPS can be...