Old Search System: intro nature

  • Introducing Psychology of Success -- David C. Price - Alison Price

    Introducing Psychology of Success -- David C. Price - Alison Price Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/vpgib0fv

    An INTRODUCING PRACTICAL GUIDE to getting what you want in life. Occupational Psychologist Alison Price explores both how successful people think, and how the organizations in which they work foster a culture of success, in this easy-to-read and jargon-free INTRODUCING PRACTICAL GUIDE. With numerous real-life case studies, practical strategies to...

  • Introducing Empiricism - Dave Robinson

    Introducing Empiricism - Dave Robinson Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/xdd21aXQ

    Our knowledge comes primarily from experience — what our senses tell us. But is experience really what it seems? The experimental breakthroughs in 17th-century science of Kepler, Galileo and Newton informed the great British empiricist tradition, which accepts a ‘common-sense’ view of the world — and yet concludes that all...

  • Introducing Body Language - Glenn Wilson

    Introducing Body Language - Glenn Wilson Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/c0R1QxYM

    An INTRODUCING PRACTICAL GUIDE to understanding the body language of others and being aware of your own. INTRODUCING BODY LANGUAGE explains how to read other people and how to be more aware of what you are saying with your own body language. This easy to read guide teaches you how...

  • Introducing Sartre - Philip Thody

    Introducing Sartre - Philip Thody Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/LB2IaFYu

    INTRODUCING guide to the father of existentialism and one of 20th century philosophy's most famous characters. Jean-Paul Sartre was once described as being, next to Charles de Gaulle, the most famous Frenchman of the 20th century. Between the ending of the Second World War in 1945 and his death in...

  • Introducing Lacan - Darian Leader

    Introducing Lacan - Darian Leader Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/fdK2qdX0

    Jacques Lacan is now regarded as a major psychoanalytical theorist alongside Freud and Jung, although recognition has been delayed by fierce arguments over his ideas. Written by a leading Lacanian analyst, “Introducing Lacan” guides the reader through his innovations, including his work on paranoia, his addition of structural linguistics to...

  • Introducing Philosophy for Everyday Life - Trevor Curnow

    Introducing Philosophy for Everyday Life - Trevor Curnow Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/eZf9jcy2

    How can we apply philosophy to our everyday lives? Can philosophy affect the way we live? This book will show how philosophy can help to improve your thinking about everyday life. And how, by improving the quality of your thinking, you can improve the quality of your life. It will...

  • Introducing Jung - Maggie Hyde

    Introducing Jung - Maggie Hyde Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/ZptUseso

    Carl Gustav Jung was the enigmatic and controversial father of analytical psychology. This updated edition of Introducing Jung brilliantly explains the theories that underpin Jung’s work, delves into the controversies that led him to break away from Freud and describes his near psychotic breakdown, from which he emerged with radical...

  • Introducing Sport Psychology - Arnold LeUnes

    Introducing Sport Psychology - Arnold LeUnes Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/Bc5AvmYa

    An INTRODUCING PRACTICAL GUIDE to optimizing your mind for sport. Sport Psychology is the study of the psychological factors that affect participation and performance in sports. It deals with increasing performance by managing emotions and minimizing the psychological effects of injury and poor performance. Some of the most important skills...

  • Introducing Semiotics - Paul Cobley

    Introducing Semiotics - Paul Cobley Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/XzrPrdkN

    “Introducing Semiotics” outlines the development of sign study from its classical precursors to contemporary post-structuralism. Through Paul Cobley's incisive text and Litza Jansz's brilliant illustrations, it identifies the key semioticians and their work and explains the simple concepts behind difficult terms. For anybody who wishes to know why signs are...

  • Introducing the Freud Wars - Stephen Wilson

    Introducing the Freud Wars - Stephen Wilson Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/jQfzO1t4

    Compact INTRODUCING guide on the debates surrounding psychoanalysis's most contested figure. Freud is universally recognised as a pivotal figure in modern culture. Yet the man and his work continually attract scandal, outrage and scientific suspicion. Was he a psychological genius or a peddler of humbug? Despite his atheism, did he...

  • Introducing Shakespeare - Nick Groom

    Introducing Shakespeare - Nick Groom Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/RUyUofDK

    Shakespeare's absolute pre-eminence is simply unparalleled. His plays pack theatres and provide Hollywood with block-buster scripts; his works inspire mountains of scholarship and criticism every year. He has given us many of the very words we speak, and even some of the thoughts we think. Nick Groom and Piero explore...

  • Introducing Thatcherism - Peter Pugh

    Introducing Thatcherism - Peter Pugh Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/mwbcAoVa

    Margaret Thatcher's political career was one of the most remarkable of modern times. She rose to become the first woman to lead a major Western democracy, serving as British Prime Minister. Admired by Ronald Regan and the United States Congress, “Introducing Thatcherism” looks at the political philosophy behind this influential...

  • Introducing Derrida - Jeff Collins

    Introducing Derrida - Jeff Collins Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/dANh6DTV

    Brilliant illustrated guide to the best-known and most controversial continental philosopher of the latter 20th century. Jacques Derrida is the most famous philosopher of the late 20th century. Yet Derrida has undermined the rules of philosophy, rejected its methods, broken its procedures and contaminated it with literary styles of writing....

  • Introducing Kant - Christopher Kul-want

    Introducing Kant - Christopher Kul-want Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/F6BaVvOe

    Illustrated INTRODUCING guide to the pre-eminent philosopher of the Enlightenment. Immanuel Kant laid the foundations of modern Western thought. Every subsequent major philosopher owes a profound debt to Kant?s attempts to delimit human reason as an appropriate object of philosophical enquiry. And yet, Kant's relentless systematic formalism made him a...

  • Introducing Productivity - Graham Allcott

    Introducing Productivity - Graham Allcott Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/qtvVRDi1

    To do: take the stress out of work defeat ‘information overload’ be more efficient. Whether you are overwhelmed by your to-do list, or get stressed just looking at your full inbox, this Practical Guide from productivity expert Graham Allcott reveals how to think, and act, more productively and to start...

  • Introducing Happiness – A Practical Guide - Will Buckingham

    Introducing Happiness – A Practical Guide - Will Buckingham Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/DkxRsfVD

    Apply the wisdom of philosophers to become a happier person. What is happiness? What makes you happy?Is there more to life than happiness? Learn to cultivate your taste for pleasure, free yourself from the various disturbances of life, and overcome irrational expectations that cause distress. Go with the flow and...

  • Introducing Emotional Intelligence: A Practical Guide - David Walton

    Introducing Emotional Intelligence: A Practical Guide - David Walton Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/q0iRjcsN

    Effectively understand yourself and others, to achieve a happier, healthier life.Improve your personal and professional relationships by learning a range of mental skills that can help you to successfully manage both yourself and the demands of working with others. Teaching you to stay in control, interpret body language and cope...

  • Introducing Psychology of Relationships - John Karter

    Introducing Psychology of Relationships - John Karter Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/BjogC7H4

    Understanding psychological techniques can help you make your relationships happier and more fulfilling. This Practical Guide will help you achieve new and healthier ways of relating by explaining some of the major underlying psychological ‘drivers’ that permeate relationships and identify and work on these unconscious motivating factors to eliminate ‘knee-jerk’...

  • Introducing Heidegger - Jeff Collins

    Introducing Heidegger - Jeff Collins Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/N8miNm6X

    Martin Heidegger — philosophy's 'hidden king', or leading exponent of a dangerously misguided secular mysticism. Heidegger has been acclaimed as the most powerfully original philosopher of the twentieth century. Profoundly influential on deconstruction, existentialism and phenomenology, he stands behind all major strands of post-structuralist and postmodern thought. Heidegger announced the...

  • Introducing Consciousness - David Papineau

    Introducing Consciousness - David Papineau Epub | Pdf https://bookmate.com/books/dvC4nQBB

    “Introducing Consciousness” provides a comprehensive guide to the current state of consciousness studies. It starts with the history of the philosophical relation between mind and matter, and proceeds to scientific attempts to explain consciousness in terms of neural mechanisms, cerebral computation and quantum mechanics. Along the way, readers will be...